Stylelint. How to set up in the right wayMay 1, 2022You can use the static code analysis tool Stylelint in order to write high-quality and beautiful CSS.
12 column layout in CSS GridApril 12, 2022What to do if you need an alternative to the Bootstrap 12-column grid in your project? CSS Grid Layout, which can be safely used in browsers, comes to the rescue.
How to deprecate jQuery.once in your Drupal ThemeMarch 20, 2022In order to prevent calls to jquery.once(), we will use the static code analysis tool Eslint and the Abstract Syntax Tree.
How to use @drupal/once in the right wayMarch 12, 2022Previously a one time run was performed by the library jQuery.once, now we have its native alternative.
How to update Drupal Behavior code to vanilla JavaScriptMarch 10, 2022In the light of the global jQuery abandonment in the frontend, we update the Drupal behaviors to vanilla JavaScript.
Obsidian Database Timelapse in 6 monthsJanuary 3, 2022I started using Obsidian as my PKM system half a year ago. Here's what happened.